Monday, July 13, 2009

Today will be a challenge. There are chocolates in the office. I LOVE chocolate. And like a Lays potato chip I can't stop at just one :(

So far today I've been good, had fiber one cereal for breakfast (Shredded wheat). I figure that's 2-3 points, have to check. My coworker gave me some knish (sp?) which I haven't had in AGES and smelled delicious so she gave me a piece. And it is delicious, so I won't feel guilty about it. 3 points.

But now that I've indulged with the knish I must stay on track for the rest of the day. Any tips???

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Short & Sweet

Its been a while. I meant to update this blog several times a week but it looks like I've missed two weeks now...

MJ - I'm very sad. Have been playing his music non-stop since he died. The neighbors must think I'm insane. May he R.I.P.

My hair: So I finally got some shea butter for sealing the other week and also bought Organic Root STimulator Olive Oil Mouisturizing hair lotion to obviously, moisturize. (Funny story, I was at Fine Fair and was looking for an olive oil based shampoo, I bought Olivella but it turned out to be the face and hand soap! But it actually is doing a nice job for my face....) I the shea butter nad Organic Olive Oil was wonderful! I washed my hair, used those produced and did bantu knots. I took them out and my hair was bouncy, soft and curly practically all week! And when I say SOFT, it was really soft without being greasy or messy. So tell me why the next week I didn't feel like doing my hair (I just co-washed it) and my hair was dry, brittle and not cute all week :/ One thing about natural hair is that you CANNOT be lazy, my hair is very sensitive and vulnerable I see! So yesterday I had my hair night and didn't even go out (it was rainy anyway), I co-washed with Queene Helene's Egg Cholestorol and put an old tshirt on my head to dry. Then I did medium size twists with the olive oil and shea butter. I rocked it all day today and will do a twist out tomorrow. Hopefully it will look nice. I just can't wait until my hair either gets a) thickier and/or b) longer so that I can wear twists to work.

My weight: Do I still have my weight ticker on the side? Anywhoo, I joined weight watchers about three weeks ago. My starting weight was 194. I was all inspired and motivated after the first meeting - I went grocery shopping and everything. And I kept track of points for all of, oh 2 and a half days!! Pathetic! I know it would probably help me lose weight if I would stick to the freakin' system. So the next week was a bust but last week I tried another meeting and vowed to keep track of my points. Still didn't happen. SIGH. But between my first meeting and the last I lost 3/5 pounds. It was due to the gym, I've been going 5 times a week. If I could just get my eating in order, man I will be in good shape for my cruise in October!

So now I should go and cook for the week so I don't have to worry about it. But I feel like taking a nap first :)