Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Not having a good day. I getting a cold. Still haven't seen C. And I got roped into gossip and I think the object of the gossip knows I was gossiping about her! Well I wasn't roped, I didn't have to engage in it, but I did. Ugh. I'm so not a gossip usually, I don't know what came over me. I wasn't doing it to be mean, was just agreeing with some not-so-flattering comments my supervisor made about this person. I think someone overheard and then told the object of the gossip b/c she started looking at me funny :( :( :( Maybe its all in my head? Maybe I'm being paranopid? I hope so. I feel bad :(


  1. thank you. yesterday did not get better but today is a new day and it was much better than the last!
